Cheryl Morrison Weeks has lived in Dane Co. all of her life. Her mother was a well known watercolor artist, her grandmother was an artist and composer. She was raised listening to classical music and was often taken to the symphony to broaden her appreciation of music. Sundays spent listening to the Madison Symphony Orchestra at the Art Museum on campus is a treasured memory from her childhood. From a young age Cheryl enjoyed, produced and appreciated the arts. Cheryl has a BS from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in Art and Art education. Cheryl produced and sold her art work at several art galleries and donated art pieces to the Woman's Political Caucus and Art for Woman's Sake (an annual show to raise money for breast cancer research). As an artist and educator she understands the necessity of keeping the arts alive in an age of technology where you can see anything, hear anything and connect to the world all by a push of a button. Fresco Opera Theater is an important direct feed for all ages to come face to face with the beauty and unparalleled emotional experience that is Opera. She believes in their mission to keep Opera alive for generations to come and is delighted in their unique, vibrant performances. Cheryl is married with one daughter and one cat. She can't wait to see where Fresco Opera Theater will take us next.